Join the most important forest seminar of the year to discuss The Future of Artic Forests.

The Future of Arctic forests
Thursday, Dec 7th, 2023 09:00-15:00


09:00 Welcome and scope of the day .
Sampo Manninen, Chairman of Organisation forCCF SILVA ry

09:15 Forest ecology and the benefits of Continuous Cover Forestry.
Yrjö Norokorpi, Doctor of Forest Sciences

09:45 How to implement CCF to various forest types?
Jussi Saarinen, Metsätietopalvelu Silmu Oy

10:15 Practical examples of CCF in different forest types .
Videos of different forest types treated with CCF

10:45 Short Discussion and Mentimeter poll on the previous subjects.

11:00 Lunch Break

12:00 Respecting cultural heritage by securing forests.
Leo Aikio, Forest & Nature Specialist, II VicePresident of the Sami Parliament

12:30 Securing the diversity of lifestyles and land usage from education perspective.
Mika Aromäki, Coordinator and Janne Näkkäläjärvi, Development Manager from The Sámi Education Institute

13:00 How securing the forests can provide true value for a more responsible travel industry and livelihood for the northern businesses.
Henrik Sevä, Sámi reindeer herder, Sweden

13:30 New CCF certificate and how it can secure forests, guarantee northern lifestyle, rich business opportunities and the best economical result.
AEFC Certificate Program, CCF Specialist MarcusWalsh

14:00 Discussion and Mentimeter questionnaire on values and future of forestry in the Arctic area.
Themes: CCF Method, Ecology, Water, Reindeer Herding, Travel, Heritage, CCF Certificate and Forestry

14:30 Mentimeter results and Panel discussion.

14:55 Closing words and future actions.
Sampo Manninen, Organisation for CCF SILVA ry