Silva in English

Silvan webinaari: Kuntametsät

Torstaina 28.10. klo 17-19

Kuntametsiin kohdistuu paljon odotuksia. Onko mahdollista yhdistää virkistyskäyttö, luontoarvot ja taloudellinen tuotto? Entä mitä kansalainen voi tehdä tärkeiden kuntametsien puolesta?

WWF:n johtava metsäasiantuntija Mai Suominen puhuu kuntametsien käytöstä erityisesti kansalaisten näkökulmasta. Miten kunnan metsien hoitoon vaikutetaan ja keitä siihen tarvitaan?

Lisäksi kuullaan kokemuksia kunnista, jotka ovat alkaneet käsitellä omia metsiään jatkuvan kasvatuksen periaattein. Puhumassa Lasse Heikkinen Riihimäeltä ja Timo Vahala Turusta.

Tilaisuus on suunnattu laajasti kuntametsien käytöstä kiinnostuneille kansalaisille, virkamiehille ja kuntapäättäjille. Se on kaikille avoin ja ilmainen. Tilaisuudessa voi esittää kysymyksiä  puhujille.

Voit ilmottautua tilaisuuteen ja esittää kysymyksiä puhujilla etukäteen alla olevalla lomakkeella.

Tilaisuutta voi seurata myös ilman ennakkoilmoittautumista täällä --> Webinaari kuntametsät

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Oho! Oho jotain meni pieleen. Koita myöhemmin uudestaan.

Discover all the benefits of forests.

With Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) it is possible to achieve various goals in forests. Silva promotes the expertise and prevalence of CCF. We share knowledge on the method and related research in collaboration with forestry stakeholders and top experts.

What is CCF?

Continuous cover forestry (CCF) is a method that maintains the forest tree cover and avoids clear-cutting. The forest regenerates naturally, allowing forest owners to avoid costly regeneration expenses such as soil preparation, planting, and drainage.

CCF is economically and environmentally sustainable way to use forests. It provides good quality wood while maintaining recreational and landscape values, causing less harm to biodiversity, less climate impacts and nutrient flows than clearcut-based forest management. Using CCF leaves future generations with more options.

Generally, in CCF, trees reaching sawlog size are selectively harvested. Some large trees are always left untouched to support natural regeneration and biodiversity. If necessary, small openings, with a suitable diameter no greater than the height of the surrounding trees, are created to enhance specific elements like deciduous tree growth.

What does Silva do?

In Finland, the management of commercial forests still largely relies on clear-cutting. Silva was founded in 2018 due to concerns about the declining quality of forest ecosystems and waters, as well as the homogenization of tree species in our forests. The founders wanted to change the management of Finnish forests by better incorporating environmental and forest owner perspectives while producing high-quality timber, especially for long-lasting wood products.

At the core of the association's activities is the dissemination of diverse, comprehensive, and researched information about CCF and responsible forest management. We organize events and participate in industry-related gatherings. We accelerate the transformation of the forest sector by producing and publishing materials primarily for the use of forest owners, as well as current and future professionals in the field.

Our main projects

Forest calculator ‍With Silva's forest calculator (published in September 2022), forest owner can easily compare the effects of two forest management practices on water bodies, climate, and their own wallet – in their own forest. By entering a Finnish forest property identification number into the calculator, you will receive a comparison of the nitrogen and phosphorus runoff from the forest into water bodies, how the carbon storage will be maintained, and the economic value of the forest, if continuous or periodic forest management is implemented over the next 50 years. The calculator is based on free forest data, is free to use and works nationwide. Silva developed the calculator together with researchers and companies Arvometsä and Avoin ry with a project funding from Baltic Sea Action Plan.

Open study material on CCF
The open web-based study material has been produced in collaboration with all Finnish universities of applied sciences teaching forestry. The material is suitable for educational purposes or self-study. It is available in Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian. The material was funded by The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation Lapland (KolArctic-project) and the translations by the Ministry of Environment.

New book on CCF with awarded authors
The guidebook Muuttuva metsä – opas jatkuvaan kasvatukseen by Finlandia-awarded authors Pekka Juntti and Anna Ruohonen gives research-based information on CCF. It helps forest owners make informed decisions based on their own values and goals in their own forests. The book is a reader-friendly information package for anyone interested in the topic, even without prior knowledge of forest management. Silva initiated the project, secured funding for the book and supported the work of the authors at various stages. The majority of the book's funding was obtained through Silva's crowdfunding campaign, to which over 150 individuals and companies participated.

Muuttuva metsä kirjan kansikuva

How to support our work?
As a member of Silva, you contribute to transforming forest management towards a more sustainable direction. With your support, we publish and develop valuable research-based materials, such as the Silva Forest Calculator and the online learning material. We continuously plan new projects in collaboration with competent stakeholders in the forest sector.

As a member, you will receive:
• Regular newsletters with up-to-date information on sustainable forest management and CCF materials, research, and events
• Free or discounted access to webinars, training events, and other activities
• Forest excursions to CCF sites across Finland
• Opportunities to participate in and influence the activities of the association

Most of our materials and webinars are offered only in Finnish, but don’t hesitate to ask us for information in English!

Silva's annual membership fee for individual members is €40 (€30 for retirees and students). For organizations/companies, the membership fee is based on revenue, with a fee of €400 for revenue under €3 million and €1000 for revenue over €3 million.

Join as a member (in finnish)

If you wish to support Silva's activities more generously, you can become a supporting member with a desired contribution amount (private individuals: €80 to €20,000, organizations: from €1000 to €20,000). This support can involve collaborative activities and communication partnerships. If you are interested in this, please contact us at and let us know the desired support amount. You can find organizations supporting our activities on the Partners page.